Welcome to Baluk Balert Barring

Baluk Balert Barring (BBB) is the first Aboriginal Early Parenting Centre to be established in Victoria and provides a state-wide service for Aboriginal and / or Torres Strait Islander families with a culturally safe model of pregnancy and early parenting care and support that builds on the strengths of Aboriginal families, culture and community. 

Our team is here to connect you to the program that is most suitable for your needs and goals. 

We support families and children up to their 6th birthday. 

Making a referral is the first step.

BBB accepts referrals from parents, carers and professionals. 

Baluk Balert Barring Referral Form

BBB services are for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families only. If you do not identify, please contact your GP or MCH nurse for more information about pregnancy and early parenting advice.

Thank you for contacting Baluk Balert Barring.

Unfortunately BBB only provides services for Aboriginal and / or Torres Strait Islander families.

For support you can contact:

  • Maternal and Child Health line 13 22 29

  • Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Australia (PANDA) 1300 726 306

  • Or in an emergency call 000

BBB Team

Patient details

Child 1 Details

Child 2 Details

Privacy and Consent

To become a patient of BBB, we need your agreement for us to collect your personal information.

BBB will always look after your personal information in a way that protects your privacy and adheres to the National Privacy Principles and the Victoria Health Records Act. You may request a copy of our policy at any time.

By submitting this form you consent to BBB collecting your information to provide the best quality of care that we can for you.